Project Experience List
1. Camp Operation and Maintenance for Pasir Ridge and Penajam Supply Base - Chevron Indonesia Company
2. Facility Management Support Service - Chevron Indonesia Company
3. Labour Supply for Rekayasa Teknik Division and Property Management System - Sucofindo
4. Provision of Fire Alarm at Senipah Warehouse - Total E&P Indonesia
5. Installation and Maintenance of Fire Detection System at Penajam Supply Base Warehouse and Santan Terminal Warehouse and Public Announcement System - Chevron Indonesia Company
6. Portacamp Rental Services - Chevron Indonesia Company
7. Pembangunan Sekolah Alam - Yayasan Hijau Borneoku
8. Project Freight Penajam Surabaya Saliki - Baker Hughes Drilling Fluids
9. Fleet Management Services - Chevron Indonesia Company - Afiliated with TPB
10. Drive Right Management Services - Total E&P Indonesia - Afiliated with TPB
11. G Track Management System - Chevron Pacific Indonesia - Afiliated with TPB
12. Rewinding Motor Services - Pertamina Drilling Service - Afiliated with UPS
13. Rewinding Motor Services - PLN Jasa Sertifikasi - Afiliated with UPS
14. Rewinding Motor Services - PLTGU Cilegon - Afiliated with UPS
15. Preventive Maintenance of Fire Alarm System - Clariant Indonesia - Afiliated with MCM
16. Preventive Maintenance of Fire Alarm System - Le Meridien Hotel Jakarta - Afiliated with MCM
17. Preventive Maintenance of Fire Alarm System - Bayer Indonesia, Surabaya Factory - Afiliated with MCM